Saturday, September 25, 2010

My versions of tired

I go through phases of being tired.

Here's how it works for me:

Initial feelings of being tired - If I didn't get much sleep the night before, or it is getting close to the end of my waking hours, I will begin to feel tired. This generally means that I will move slower, yawn a lot and perhaps start to lose focus. This is when I should go to sleep (or take a nap).

One hour later - If I neglect to go to sleep or take a nap, I will start staring off into the distance in the middle of what I am doing. I will also begin to doze off (especially while reading).

One hour later - Usually I will do something about being tired by this point, but if I cannot or do not want to, I will make some efforts to keep myself awake. This might mean drinking a lot of caffeine, eating a lot of sugar, or running around my apartment with my vuvuzela.

One hour later - After I have indulged on caffeine, I will become slightly insane. Everything is funnier. I am louder (and also funnier). Focus is impossible at this point. I cannot hold a reasonable conversation. I may start a conversation with someone, drift away, come back and say "What? I'm sorry, I was thinking about elephants. Is that the Millenium Falcon??? No, it's a toaster." Then I will laugh uncontrollably for a few moments (repeat).

One hour later - If I get this far, I am beyond hope. If you hand me an object, I will drop it. If you say anything to me, I will stare at you in confusion as though I have never heard words before.

One hour later - EMOTIONS. I am either laughing or sobbing uncontrollably. I may start to tell you a story about some minor incident that happened when I was four years old and how it ruined my entire life.

One hour later - Practically comatose, trying to stay awake while likely lying in the middle of the floor without moving. I may attempt to have some input in whatever is going on, but it will be something along the lines of "crabapples funny, your face my hungry trains."

One hour later - Either finally asleep (whether intentional or not) or dead.

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