Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Do I owe it to my gender to get a doctorate?

I've considered this question off and on for a while now.

I have the intellect and the motivation to go to grad school, get a masters and then keep going and become a doctor of ... something.

But I don't even know what.

... And I don't really want to.

The thing is, I've thought a lot about how great it would be to become a doctor. Especially as a woman. I want to be an example for young girls who want to be ambitious career women rather than homemakers. I think a lot of young girls want to be homemakers, and that's great, but honestly, they have enough role models as it is.

What about that middle school girl who really wants to be a CEO of a company, but all of the women she knows decided that wasn't for them?

I sometimes feel like because it is in my power, I should take hold of the unique opportunity that I have to show other women that it is possible to take hold of your dreams.

But then again, those aren't my dreams.

It's something I've struggled with some, as a feminist. I'm not going to go to grad school after I graduate. Maybe eventually, if I feel like God's nudging me in that direction. If I find something I really want to explore more. But for now, I'm going to ferociously go after my dreams, and hopefully women and men both will see me and know that if I can accomplish my dreams (with God's help), they can as well (with God's help).

Also, I do not hate men. Just wanted to clarify. I like men quite a bit, actually.

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