Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas music sucks

I have a disease.

Not a normal life-threatening kind of disease, but more of an emotional and mental disease.

I get songs stuck in my head really easily and quickly. When a song is stuck in my head, it will not leave for a long time unless I am able to take immediate action against the song. All too frequently, I won't be able to sleep because of a song stuck in my head.

I once did not sleep for an entire night because I had Soulja Boy's Kiss Me Thru the Phone in my head. It was horrible.

I love Christmas. It is one of my favorite holidays because it is all about family and joy and hope and excitement. But I hate Christmas because it is all about walking in winter wonderlands and santa clause coming to town and rudolph, who happens to be a red-nosed reindeer. Oh, and about wishing people a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Spanish.

Christmas music is so catchy and horrible. Luckily, I have been able to avoid it for the most part this year (three cheers for avoiding malls), and my sleep has not been fraught with jingle bells rocking or frosty snowmans.

Next year I plan to ban Christmas music entirely. From the world.

It's for the best.

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