Conversations sometimes irritate me. I like to say that I have a low tolerance for inanity, but perhaps I am just uninterested in other people.
Improper drivers irritate me. This is normal, of course, as I believe that I am the only capable driver on the road.
Squeals, screams, yells, and other loud noises (especially without proper warning) irritate me. This, again, is normal as I would appreciate not losing my hearing.
What irritates me perhaps more than anything else, though, is loud eating.
I know someone who has not yet learned to chew with their mouth closed. I glower at them until they notice, growl "chew with your mouth closed," then attempt to go on with my business.
I have had far too many experiences where people are eating normally, but there is no background noise available to drown out the sound. I want to scream "EAT QUIETER!" but I know that this is socially unacceptable.
Today, I had an experience with someone eating carrots. They were eating carrots relatively normally, but they were eating carrots. Many of them. Carrots piled up on the plate as though there was some kind of carrot eating contest and they are in training. I could not really leave the room, and neither could the perpetrator. For those infinite ten minutes (carrots take a long time to eat, especially twenty of them), I was near hyperventilating.
I am very easily irritated. I should work on that.